Another post containing an image of my friend Dwight. I did warn you that it was going to be a "Dwight Christmas", so here I am, keeping my word. This time out I've included my little buddy Bjorn. I don't remember how it happened, but my original concept for Bjorn was that he'd be a buddy of Dwight's. I remember asking Dwight if he'd mind and he said "Oh, not at all. I'd be tickled to death!" That's how Dwight talks. Anyway the idea was "Bjorn and the Big Guy". For whatever reason, I decided to change gears. But I thought you guys who have been following this nonsense might get a kick out of seeing this visual.
I really feel like I "nailed" Dwight in this one...
So, my friends, please enjoy "Bjorn meets the Big Guy".
Merry Christmas Vince.
Also best wishes to all the big and small characters of your blog.
Vin, this is REALLY well done. Looks like you put a lot of time into this one.
is that the Tower in the background?
Yes it is!
Or at least a shorter version of it.
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