I met Brian during the GEM Studio days and liked him instantly. Happily, Brian and I have stayed friends, despite the years and distances that have presented themselves. Long-time friendships take work. And collaboration. Some of the happiest days of my life were when Brian and I feverishly knocked out a few pages of the "Honeymooners Christmas Special" comic book in my Brooklyn studio, along with the help of Win Mortimer's layout pencils, and Susan Sykes and Ted Camut's rendering. We were filling the holes on a 48 page issue, penciling, inking and coloring a carload of pages before sending them out the door.
We made the deadline. Weeks ahead, if I remember correctly.
And it's funny because the first time I became aware of Brian and his artwork was a few years earlier, during his run on "Spider-Woman." Especially the "Daddy Longlegs" issue.
I thought he was British.
Imagine my surprise when he showed up at GEM with a New York accent?
More importantly, I thought that he was a good storyteller.
Plenty of others have agreed, he's been an in-demand story board artist for two decades.
Now there's a caricature! Aw'right! Me likey!
You've a real good looseness on this one, pal. Definitely an "Obama-thing" going on too. Although without the precipitous health-care debate.
Aww ya!!
No politics, please, Mr. O'Reilly.
Thanks for the kind words, Hutch. But it wasn't intentional. I was attempting to draw an old Spider-Woman villain from memory.
thanks,vince...that is a great portrait of daddy longlegs,i like this new style youre doing,i would never have guessed it was you...even the inking has a different line quality than i remember you doing....are you using a "micron" to ink this with?....anyway,i feel the same about you,its been 24 years since we met at gem (1985?)....best,brian.....
Hey, buddy. Glad you like the look of this. I used a Rotring Artpen on the linework and a beat-up W&N series 7 brush, I'm trying to steer away from the short-cut tools like felt pens and markers now. It's a nice change from the now mostly digital art I produce at work.
Here's to the next twenty four!
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