A few posts back ("Never made it to the Ball...") I was wondering if this Princess Design Program that I created and produced was ever used. I didn't think it was, and some of you were disappointed that Disney passed on it. Well it pleases me greatly to announce that this art WAS published on product in the UK and Japan, and I couldn't be happier.
It was used on Stationery, and the program was named... "Girl Talk".
Isn't that cute?
Update- 4/3: The products made in Japan were produced by, get this: Sony Creative Products.Do you believe that? Maybe I should be working for them?! I don't know what type of deal was made to make this happen, or whether I should be proud of bringing these two giant corporations together, or feel insulted that my own company pimped out my idea.
The art on the pieces of stationery look the same as I intended, but there is a lot of extraneous copy on all of them. Shit like: "Series 4", and such. I guess they were issued as a collectible set or some other hokey plan that Japanese marketers are famous for. But at least they were used, even if they were released like a bubble gum card series.
Update-3/26: It turns out that the U.K. did NOT create product with this design program, and I couldn't be happier. You see, they wanted to use my original rough concept sketches instead of the final art, and I wasn't too keen on that idea. It was always my intention to make the art look like comic strips, dot-patterns and all. It can really be frustrating at times, working as a creative person in a corporate setting with committees second guessing your work at every turn.
I have seen the line of products produced in Japan, and they look great. I should be getting samples soon, and when I do I'll post them.
This visual of "Tink" is from an earlier Black & White version of the concept, with my inks and hand-lettering. I'll post the final, closer-to-model color version some time next week.
Tink was the only one that was left out of the mix, since she's a "fairy" and not a Princess.
A big thanks to my team member, Eric "Sherlock" Hutchison, who discovered the product samples in our I.T. department - taped up on a fellow employee's cubicle wall!
I'm so glad that this adventure finally has a Fairy Tale ending.